Conservatives In Power-Problem for Canada
The liberals were so rotten that this time(fall of 2005), the Conservatives managed to get in(barely). However their ill conceived plan to roll back the income tax cuts of the Martin government in order to pay for the GST cuts is misguided. There are plenty of articles explaining why, just read them if you are unconvinced, then contact your MP to protest against the change. Needless to say, if enough people do this, it will have the desired effect.
Yes, I realize that I am tilting at windmills and that I am talking to myself
I am being ignored. Time for a new posting
What did I do? Egg you in to activating your blog?
Now I know why you turned your blog off. The title for one thing. Everyone knows you do not have a sensible thought in your head. Your posting was not even worth looking at. I thought that I would humor you.
Have another nice day.
Drat, foiled again. Been followed to my lair
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Hang in there Canuckguy ~
This blogging stuff takes time.
I've been around for a little while and have seen many come and go and only a handful return.
Angela ;)
Could Not Guy - Why did you delete my comment above to your senseless post?
--I don't recall deleting anything. Don't know what happened. I would not delete(even you), get little traffic as is.
Oh, Lou, by the way, bite me
senseless, LOU we have our own government up here FYI, we have our own tax issues (read MY lips) and just cause you dont understand what the GST is doesnt mean you can say its senseless
meanwhile Harper is an idiot. he is dangerous. the bullshit he spewed last week in Russia proves he is a danger to all Canadians.
And anyone who think like Harper that what is happening in Lebanon has ANYTHING to do with Hisbollah is a naif. Does anyone remeber what they read a year ago?? Does anyone remeber the names of these rivers? Remeber Lebanon saying sod off jack, we're using that water? or israel saying 'if you do we are coming in guns a balzin"???? anyone remeber yesterday??? JEEZUZHCHRIST! its pathetic. I swear. pathetic! Its not like im making this up either you can easily follow the paper-trail....
so y'all wanna be antiterrosist, yeah good, fight Oceania! double-plus ungood! oh, and I have a briudge to sell, you can use paypal....
Hmmm, Lee, I guess you are what they call a leftie commie. Or even worse, a liberal.
puhlease... to me the left wing of the monster is no better than the right wing, just a different facade... if i have to be labeled i would take anarchosyndicalist, or perhaps corporate anarchist, but please do not call me a liberal. thats just sick.
like charles bukowski once said, back in '68; "let me make you dinner-- and you have a choice! would you like the plate of hot sh*t or the cold sh*t salad?"
Paul Ray the esteemed sociologist has created a system called the Political Compass, and when you start putting everything down on a 360 degree space and look at what people actually value the L/R dichotomy can be seen as the impotent stagnant waste that it is.
although I will say that for practical reasons we need some more "right" parties in Canada to balance out the "lefty" parties. what is it with this counytry that we have a communist party, a marxistleninist party (seriously if thsoe two can't get along..) then the NDPooh, Green Party, and of course the Grits.. and then how many parties on the right? one? thats just not right.
So i am planning on starting a few parties in canada. Maybe you want to join one or two? The goal is not to get elected, but to a) siphon voted from the right, and b) show just how stupid this system is.
so maybe you want to join my Canadian Fascist Party (no no gas chambers, the policies are Privatization of all Public Services, smashing of all unions, increased funding for Canadian Identity, increased military might, no taxes for corporations, getting the trains to run on time oh and of course a slight xenophobic tint)
or maybe i can interest you in the CPOC, the Canadian Party of Christ (not to be confused withthe Party of God who are not quite popular these days). Obviously the mandate is to clear out all th eunnecessary laws and have a faith based judicial system, no killing babies, eye for eye, stonings, tiths, and ritual scrifices! what fun! No one gay or even happy will ever get married again. Not on Christ's soil.
Then there's going to be the CSP, the Canadian Successionist Party. Thats right! Break the whole dren thing up and start again as a series of republics! So we get the Block supporters in Quebec, the Albertans who hate Canada, and of course the Left Coast freaks who would rather be united with Oregon... I haven't yey figured out how Sask will play into this one, maybe this partyy has to be born there
and lastly the Conservative Conservationists. The real original conservatives. This will be an uber green totally over the top party-- but will always use Pew Center and Fraser Valley shills for all their data-- which they then horribly maim and use for their own agenda (saving seals and trees)
so while i really dont like the left any more than the right, for now I am going to be a Jeezuz lovin' bible thumpin' podium stumpin' bigoted ruthless on-the-take right winger...
wanna join up?
Ummmm, I pass on that, Lee. You are being facetious and sarcastic but some people reading your post might think you are a-for-real nut job.
hey if for every ten persons that thinks that the leader of the CFP is a nut job there's even one who thinks the party makes some sense, then there might be a away to siphon votes from the right..
and as far as CPOC being thought of as a nut bar will be half the fun. Have you seen some of the drivel that the born again movement (as in bowel movement) has been oozing? the "Left Behind" series? i think it would be fun to play that wacko role and play up How hapoo isn't christian enough... make it seem like he secretly loves gay weddings or something... steal away the fanatical christian vote!
what p art makes u think im making fun here?
Oh my, Lee. I guess you are for real, afterall.
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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