Saturday, June 03, 2006

Muslim Terrorists in our Midst-No Surprise

So early June/2006 saw the arrests of Muslim terrorists in Toronto who were plotting to wreck havoc on Canadians. Maybe this incident will serve as a wake up call to all those head-up-their -arsehole politically correct idiots. I fully expect to be sickened by those who will deny their guilt, by those who will defend them because they feel marginalized(boo hoo hoo) and most of all by the lawyers who will do their best to get them back on the street. Citizens or not, too bad they can't be deported after serving 25 years. The underaged ones will probably get house arrest with their doting mothers and be on probabtion for a couple of years. Expect a long protracted trial. Hopefully the justice system will see fit to deny bail, let's hope they have some sense.


At June 05, 2006 2:18 AM , Blogger Lou said...

You need to get back on the subject. You know just as well as I do that Canada has illegal immigrants also. How would you deal with them? Give your response in 1, 2, 3 short form. Please, no long rants.

At June 06, 2006 1:16 AM , Blogger Canuckguy said...

Well ok, I shall make 3 comments on our illegal alien situation to point out our dismal record
1. We do a lousy job of deporting even convicted criminals. Solution: Jeez, just do a better job but I despair at our judical bleeding heart system)
2. Percentgage wise, our illegal alien problem is much smaller than the American's. We do however have a guest worker program, they come in to pick our veggies and fruit and then we ship then back(the ones that don't run away) to their homeland after picking season is over.
3. Our Refugee Boards are much too easy and are suckers for any bullshit sob story. Any illegal caught can claim refugee status which triggers hearings and long delays. Too much abuse of the appeal system. (Solution-jail the lawyers)

Again, regarding this blog, I only made it as an excercise with no intention of maintaining it or developing it into anything elaborate. I spend too much time as it is cruising the blogs of raving neo-cons for cheap laughs. Now, as I said before, I shall restrict my comments to the Feedlot for convenience. Plenty of laughs there.

At June 06, 2006 11:00 PM , Blogger ptg said...

I'll take that as a left-handed compliment, Canuckguy.

At June 13, 2006 9:37 PM , Blogger Canuckguy said...

Am I paranoid or are you slyly suggesting I am a leftie?

At June 24, 2006 2:32 PM , Blogger Angela said...

You mean to tell me that you put this blog together for nothing?

Well that sux!!

At July 27, 2006 2:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok why does angela comment here an NEVER on my blog??????

but beyond that. have you really looked into these people you are so disgusted by? I am in Toronto and apparently they wanted to blow me up.

Except they were just a bunch of stupid kid, and inep[t stupid kids at that.

Were it not for the fact that the "Man on the Inside" was going to get his own ass thrown into the clink FOREVER becaus he is a serious trouble... and that he set those kids up, even bought them the cellphones and egged them on... "yeah lets set up a list fo building swe want to bomb!!! Woop wooop"
none of this would have ever happened. Same thing as the supply of fertilizer (which BTW wasn't even the right kind of fertilizer to blow up!), were it not for CSIS and the "Man on the Inside" actually buying the fertilizer for the kids, none of this woudl have ever happened.

This is all about one cowardly man who couldnt even stand up for is own conictions once caught, be a man for it and say "Yes it is who i am, lock me away if you must, Allah will whatever...." no its a guy who once caught entrapped a bunch of 17 year olds

and of course to fan the flames of xenophobia and racial intolerance....

meh-- you ought to not believe all you read Canuckguy , you look more and more like a Red Stater that way... not imporessed at all. Next time some 'terrorist' attaks Halifax I will take that back i.e. Never....

At July 28, 2006 12:25 AM , Blogger Canuckguy said...

--I looked at your site, Not to be annoyingly critical but I find it too busy and unfocused. But that's me, I just like what I am use to in blogs thus far, a simple single chronological thread of a few topics. Maybe that is why Angela does not comment. Also she has been dormant lately. Plus she only visited a couple of times anyway.
--As for the arrested TO 17, just because some appear to be wannebees terrorists, it is their thinking that upsets me. Plus how can you just dismiss them as stupid kids, yes, some are stupid kids and the others adults. But they are not peace loving citizens of this country and for that, I despise them. And some of their wives, the content of their blogs and chats, hateful poison, that disturbs me. Look at the big picture, the rising Muslim fundamentalism is a real danger to our society and world security. I do grant you, that the CSIS mole story that just came out caused me to wrinkle my nose. But it does not matter because these clowns or terrorists were up to no good.
--In my most recent posting about David Ben-Gurion, you can see that I show I can have an open mind on the middle East situation.

At July 28, 2006 4:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah open thats true...

tho u might wanna check out DailyKos and Cannonfire they have some pretty jaw dropping info there, like just when this lebanon thing was planned, and why it was forewarned, and why it has nothing to do with two kidnapped soldiers at all but water....

but anyway, yes my blog has 50 categories and 700 posts, so um hope you find something you like (the categories are the top box... multitags) but either way thats cool... Ang doesnt comment there because there is no simple R vs. L crap and its on a completely different level...

sure i see it as a problem. is it a problem as fiece as say, smoking? death-toll wise? i dare say it isn't even as big a threat as heart disease.. but lets just say someone has a football nuke-- so it is a problem. but i just read Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, and pretty much its the same stuff that Parenti and chomsky and all have been crying into the wind for 40 years about, but 1st hand story about all of those who are now coming home to roos. Irans a problem? well who was it that destroyed their democracy? none other than Kermit Roosevelt working for the CIA in Operation Ajax and after the shah beat everyone down and starved his own peopel-- the mullahs saw a niche and filled it.... same thing pretty much everywhere... Israel wanted Hamas and Hizbolla to be there.. we keep on playing with these loaded dice, and continue to allow their standard of living to decline, and then *react* when they act out? it's to tally understandable. and when 30-40,000 (non-white) babies startve to death every day on this planet it's a gross imbalance that somehow will right itself, most likely with a blowback first....

the messy situations we are now in, have sooo much to do with the lifestyle we've led since the end of wwii (and on who's backs we've enjoyed it)

At August 15, 2006 8:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.


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