NB Election Results
This posting is for the lone Mercan who was curious about the results.
Well the Liberals eeked out a win. Actually the Conservatives got the most votes at 47.7% of the votes cast to the Liberals 46.9% while the NDP got 5.1%. But that did not translate to victory for the Conservatives, with the Liberals getting 29 seats to the Conservatives 26. As I expected and prayed for, the useless left wing nuts NDP lost their one and only seat. I did not see it reported, but I was informed by another blogger that we had a 70% voter turnout. N.B. typically gets better turnouts than the rest of the country. Howere that is still too many non voters, too much apathy.
The liberal candidate for my riding won with 3221 votes to the Conservative’s 3028 votes. The hapless NDP got 326 votes. Though I voted against the Liberal, I am ok with that as I said before, he is a nice guy. And there is not much difference between the parties, the difference on ideology is much more pronunced at the federal level. At the provincial level, both parties had similar promises, bribing us with expensive promises with money we don’t got.
We had 8 years of Conservative fumbling and I expect 4 years of Liberal big spending and mismanagement with a good whiff of corruption thrown in for good measure. Actually the Conservatives managed fairly well but they screwed up royally on a three big issues, car insurance, financial disaster with our power generation corporation(government controlled) and the nursing home issue.