Miramichi Hospital Case - The Missing Money
Outrageous!! In the St. John Telegraph newspaper Nov 15/06, there is an article about the fraudster, a former judge, the disgraced A. R. Drew Stymiest, who ripped off the funds of the Miramichi Hospital. He will be out on parole Jan 2007 after spending less than 8 months in prison after his conviction. He was ordered to pay restitution of $218,000 and has so far paid $41,000.
What is disgusting is in the quote from the article
“Sgt. Rick Daigle of the RCMP proceeds of crime section … said there has been no decision yet whether the RCMP will launch a proceeds of crime investigation to determine where the missing hospital money went”
Why the hell not? Is this the kind of police work we have to put up with? The Miramichi people have every right to expect that this money be traced. About $1 million was stolen. It’s my bet that the judge salted away a chunk of that money and surely it can be traced if RCMP will just do their job.
Does anybody care? Does anybody know what is really going on? Are the fraudsters being protected by their political cronies? What can explain the lack of action on this issue??
In Nov 24/06 Saturday’s Telegraph, there was an article on one of the fraudsters. And I quote:
“Darrell Doucette wants to move on with his life but the weight of the $75,000 restitution order pulls him back. The NB Court of Appeal reserved judgment on his appeal to reduce both the restitution and his sentence. ……… He is currently serving day parole in PEI ”
Well boo hoo hoo hoo. I feel so sorry for him (NOT!!!). It will be interesting how the appeal tuirns out. What a crock of crap. The man has no shame or sense of accountability. Want some cheese to go with your whine? Just pay up and shut up, Doucette.
Sounds like you have the same problem we have here. Liberals in the Justice system. They will do it to you every time.
Why are liberals OK in our system but not OK in yours?
Funny, isn't it!
--When it comes to judges, I like the no nonsense law and order types. Our judges are notorious for 'slap on the wrist' sentences.
--Some of our criminal lawyers can be as vile as yours sometimes are. As some of our crimials are.
--For example, we will have to suffer a long endless trial like the long seemingly endless investigation of our vile farmer Pickton in BC who fed a multitude of whores to his pigs(after doing god knows what to the hapless victims). He is Canada's most prolific serial killer to date.
--I make sure I don't eat any BC pork.
LIBERALS IN THE JUSITICE SYSTEM??? Hoo Boy Lou speaks through his sphincter once more... and canuck has no gumption to correct him? but of course... maybe its one of those quarterly marijuana binges? or some social drinking?? becaue that is plain ignorant. now i dont really wonder why i read you creeps less and less... but a) lou get your head out of the stinky black hole and educate yourself before spouting off liek a 3rd rate rush limpbaugh, and Canuck: up yours for suggesting that i would be posting stuff anon on that loser angelas right-to-be-an-idiot. and not even in my style, cant you find another scapegoat?
you folks as i have said before, deserve each other, and add absolutely nothing to healthy discourse on either side of the border.
Go away Asshole Lee
Well, I guess Judge Stymiest was released today! The last of the gang.
As a (transplanted) Miramichier, I would hope that these men are not well accepted back into the community. They can go elsewhere, make a new life, whatever, but we don't need to see them around here anymore.
Starting from the time that Stymiest took the stand in his own defense, I sat in on most of the trial (It was the greatest show in town). It was absolutely unbelievable the lies he told on the stand. How he could have said the things he did with a straight face, I'll never know. He must have really thought the jury were idiots.
Tucker and Doucette didn't testify, but Jamieson did. Maybe you knew him as he was from Bathurst. In my opinion, this guy was the biggest con of them all. Had his wife sit through the whole trial, and when available his sons were there. Made out to be a real family man, a great guy. But Jamieson took the stand, and he lied too. Said he only knew Tucker on a professional basis. Well a good friend of mine lived next door to Tucker in Newcastle, as well as having a cottage next to Jamieson in Bay du Vin, and she said they were together "all the time" and often all hours of the night.
Also, Jamieson supposedly had a CGA or similar accounting credentials. I have a couple of university accounting courses, so I understood what they were showing, but it certainly did not follow any accepted accounting principles. To me, it just indicated cover up plus.
It is interesting that Jamieson's property in Bay du Vin is now in his sons' names.
Judge Stymiest was apparently buying a lot of property a few years ago. I wonder what happened to that--numbered company maybe.
Supposedly Tucker did not change his lifestyle, but he is the one who got most of the money. He has two children--did they benefit? Where did the money go? We hope that someone investigates.
And the City of Miramichi is still on the hook for much of the cost of the investigation. That is just not right. The Province should pick up this tab as it was THEIR responsibility to ensure proper accounting practices.
Well Anon, your post was very interesting and informative. You are on the same wavelength as me.
I had also posted comments on the Miramchi Community Bulletin board on line but nobody commented on it.
Yes, I knew of Jamieson, he was a grade or two ahead of me in high school. Smart, had a dominant personality but seemed an ok guy, not a bully or anything like that. I was very disappointed in him when the news came out.
Anon, you should give yourself a 'nome de plume' to differ from the other 'Anon...s' out there.
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