Can't State The Facts Against the Protected
Hey! Here in Canuckstan, I read this story in the Globe&Mail: a right wing web site, ‘’ has a Canadian Human Rights Commission complaint against it for allowing an anti-gay activist to disseminate Muslim hate literature on the Internet. One of the posts cited as discriminatory was written by a Bill Whatcott who wrote:
“I can’t figure out why the homosexuals I ran into are on the side of the Muslims. After all, Muslims who practice Sharia tend to advocate beheading homosexuals”
Bill also disseminated posts that condemned the Prophet Mohammed as “a man of violence” (Yo Pope, better not set foot in Canada)
A bleeding heart liberal (not a Muslim) complainer is upset that Bill is contributing to racial tension.
Good grief, what Bill posted is perfectly accurate. I don’t know what else he posted, never bothered looking but the comments in quotes are being complained about. I guess the facts cannot be stated anymore.
I am disgusted they even allowed it to be filed as it triggered an investigation and paperwork. Hopefuly somebody sensible tosses the complaint out.
Update: Aug 9/07
I read a short while ago that the Commission is not going to proceed with the complaint. The complainer is still an idiot however.