Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Hated NB Liberal Nursing Home Policy:

When you go vote this Sept 18, one of the things to remember is that the NB provincial Liberals, while in power in 1997, brought in the hated policies that counted fixed and liquid assets into how much nursing home clients had to pay for their care. They cannot be trusted!!!

Though Lord is dismantling that, he would have gotten more brownie points if he had completed the process rather than wait to hand it out as an election plum. But regardless, it was the so-called friend of the people Liberals that screwed the nursing home seniors. It took the persistent struggle of the likes of Veronica Ratchford (of my home town, Bathurst) and some others to push the Liberal policy into the garbage where it belonged.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

NB Power up to their Tricks Again

Take a look at your July household power statement, it differs from the previous months. The older statements show the cost per KWH. Not anymore. If you want to know this cost, you have to get out your calculator. I am curious as to why they changed this. Oh, wait, I think I know. They figure the less you know, the better and they are also counting on you to be too stupid to calculate it out. Well for your information, the July cost is 8.98 cents/kwh as compared to 8.37 cents/kwh, an increase of 7.3% for consumed power up to 1300 kw. Well we read about that increase in the papers so no surprise there. But that bill format change is sneaky though. They are up to no good when they do things like that..

The service charge increased from $17.74 to $19.06, an increase of 7.4%. I must have missed that increase in the papers.

Well somebody has to pay for the mismanagement.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

N.B. Election Issues - Energy Items

Again the politicians will buy the votes of NB citizens with the voters' own money. And like the whores the voters are, they will vote for whoever puts the most in their(voters') pockets. Never mind policies for the greater good.

Take gasoline and power. Both the Conservatives and Liberals are now offering a reduction in gas tax, ah, money in the pockets of the voters. The Conservatives are rebating the NB share of the sales tax of the NB Power bills. More money for the whores. What needs to be done is to encourage conservation and making energy artifically cheaper, does not do this. Leave the gas tax where it is, increase it even, then maybe the people will get serious and buy energy efficient vehicles. Same for power, never mind the rebate. That works counter to any efforts to get homeowners to reduce their electrical usage.

Last year, I personally added insulation to my attic and three years earlier, I added insulation to my exterior walls and replaced all the doors and windows with higher quality items. All without a nickel of help from the government. I am benefiting now with lower power bills inspite of the rate increases.

So I say, vote for the party that encourages conservation, if we have such a party. Or are we going to be a herd of whores. Speak up at your political meetings. If you take my stance, be prepared for catcalls.