Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Environmental Footprint

I was impressed by Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" and I am a believer that we are going to be in big trouble if global warming is not slowed significantly. And I buy the line that mankind is mostly responsible and therefore only mankind can minimize the effects by a world wide concerted effort. So Gore, by not walking the talk, as evidenced by his big power consuming house, and in that I am disappointed but the message by him and hoards of scientists should not be airily dismissed because he is leaving a large so-called environmental footprint. He really should have realized that the American Republicans and other naysayers would jump on the smallest thing to discredit the message.

I live on the coast and I surely will see bad things happen in my area within my lifetime. I also feel bad for my children's generation for they will feel the brunt of the upcoming chaos if the predictions come true. Individuals may think it is out of their hands but if enough individuals world-wide, bitch slap the politicians to wake them up, then something concrete can be accomplished. My apologies if any feminists are perturbed at the use of that term 'bitch slap' but it resonates so well in this case.

So what did I do lately to lessen my environmental footprint?.
1. When I drove my 15 year old car to the junkyard, I did not follow up on my original plan to buy a new car. So we are down to 1 car for this household.
2. I added 6 inches of insulation to my attic and replaced all the windows and door plus added insulation to the outside walls.
3. I recycle as much as possible garbage wise though I am not green enough yet to compost(I plan to look into that).
4. I walk and bike a lot even when the lone car is available.
5. I lower the thermostats in my house every evening before bedtime(except the bedroom)
6. Replaced one of the toilets with a new more water conserving type.

The Time magazine article on 51 things one can do to lessen your footprint is a must read.


At April 13, 2007 3:46 PM , Blogger Strong Conservative said...

I'm surprised you buy into the idea that man is solely responsible for global warming. Man made CO2 only accounts for 3% of the total CO2 in the atmosphere, not only that Mars and other planets are observed to be warming as well. Would not the sun's increased intensity seem a more likely cause of global warming?
Don't get me wrong, we should do a better job of stewardship over the environment, but its hard to really make the jump that global warming is causally connected to CO2 emissions.

At April 17, 2007 2:20 PM , Blogger Canuckguy said...

--I will admit that some seeds of doubt have been planted in my mind. The sun certainly plays a huge role so any hiccup with it would naturally have some sort of effect.
--I have not got around to find other explanations as to why the other nearby planets are heating up or even if this conclusion can be accurate.
--Sometimes I don't know what to think anymore so I more or less narrow my focus to conserving energy, recycle as much as possible and not litter. I know it's pitiful as what I do does not matter one iota. Perhaps if 1 billion of the worse energy energy hog wasters did the same, it would make a difference.


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